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Product Detail:

- Artisan Blossoms signature Rose with Ivy and Pomegranate , extraordinary artpiece handcrafted by our Master of Entwining Art.

Floriography in Chinese Tradition:
Rose (玫瑰):Love of my life 一生至愛
Ivy (百合/五福花):5 Blessings 五福臨門 (Fortune 福、Prosperity 祿、Longevity 壽、Happiness 喜、Health 康寧)
Pomegranate (石榴):多子多福

Giardino di Rose limited edition emphasis the idea of perfection. Each piece is handcrafted by our Master of Entwining Art. Only the highest level of entwining technique would make the living rose. Bespoke service is available with limited edition accessories.

"You are my definition of Perfect!"

Happily Ever After 百年好合 (Headpiece)
