Origin: Yunnan, China
Function: Mild; lowers cholesterol levels, clears heat, reduces oil, induces diuresis, sweet aftertaste.
Weight:80g tea leaves/can
XiGui Puer Tea is produced in LinCang City of Yunnan Province, a place renowned for its ancient trees of Puer tea leaves. XiGui Puer Tea is pure in taste, creates a viscousness in the liquor - a precious component in Puer tea. XiGui Puer Tea has a bright clear liquor color, a floral scent and a taste of sweetness. It has a persisting aftertaste and it’s ideal for long brewing.
重量:80g 茶葉
茶老七挑選的昔歸普洱產自雲南 省臨滄市,以盛產古樹普洱茶葉 而聞名。昔歸普洱茶山野氣佳、 味道純、水質黏稠,是普洱茶界 的珍品,近年更因為一眾愛好者 的追捧,令其價格大幅上升。 昔歸普洱茶湯色明亮清澈、茶香 如蘭、茶味微澀甘甜、回甘生 津。昔歸茶內質豐富耐泡,水路 細膩,留香持久。存放在通爽的 地方可長時間儲存,越陳越香, 有「可以喝的古董」的美譽。
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