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Origin: Yunnan, China
Function: Persisting aroma with clear liquor, offering antioxidants, antiaging and beauty effects.
Weight:4g/Tea Bag x 15

Zi Juan Black Tea has a pure aroma and tastes thick and strong. It has long-lasting fragrant and makes liquor red and clear. It has a refreshing taste and quenches thirst . It also has a unique floral aroma. It is best for long brewing. Zi Juan Black Tea serves as an excellent source of antioxidants, offering anti-aging and beauty properties.

功用:香氣持久,清澈洪量 ,有抗氧化, 抗衰老 ,美容養顏的功效。
重量:4g/茶包 x 15

紫鵑紅茶屬全發酵茶,茶性溫和,有暖胃的作用,最適合身體較虛弱,脾胃功能差,手腳發冷的人飲用。 紫鵑紅茶的香氣純正,滋味濃強。香氣馥鬱持久,清澈紅亮,玲瓏剔透。入口舌面生津舌底鳴泉,品味高貴,其特有的花青素滋味,不僅濃鬱,耐泡度高。

Tea 7th - Zi Juan Black Tea (4g/Tea Bag x 15)
